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Drawing from 15 years of experience with high-profile presidential, senate, congressional, gubernatorial and mayoral campaigns, including Senator Harry Reid’s 2010 re-election and Senator Cory Booker’s 2020 presidential campaign, Moyer Strategies' Campaign Kickstarter program fills a gap in Democratic campaigns at every level of the ballot: maximizing earned media around the launch period.


Our program is an investment that yields returns–especially for fundraising. We help candidates build a foundation that benefits them for the rest of their campaigns. We drive local and national earned media, develop and refine effective messaging, and lead media training so that candidates can tell their story most effectively--not just to media but to potential donors, voters and groups and officials who could endorse. In addition to driving fundraising, our work builds political support and greater awareness of the candidate among voters, future donors, and elected leaders. 


Campaigns can never get this moment back. Reporters want to talk to the new candidate. Donors want to get in on the ground floor of an exciting campaign. Political grasstops watch closely before deciding whether to endorse or not. 


Media Narrative

Political Support

We provide a weeks-long surge of strategic guidance, support and execution, including: candidate media prep; message refinement; announcement placement; and, for statewide candidates, a tour across media markets. We introduce the candidate to voters everywhere through outlets large and small. For candidates with national appeal, we connect them with national reporters, which helps to drive fundraising and raise a candidate's profile.

Yet too many candidates settle for a double when it comes to their campaign launch. We help candidates hit a home run. At the earliest stages of a campaign, candidates and their barebones team are too overwhelmed with countless other priorities to think through every piece of a smart, thorough communications plan for launch day and the days that follow. Most of the time, a communications staffer is weeks or months away from being hired. Through Campaign Kickstarter, Moyer Strategies takes earned media off of their plate. We focus on the core components of a successful rollout, but also the small details and extra touches that make a big difference.

A well-executed launch that makes the most of the moment sets the tone for the rest of the campaign and raises the bar for opponents. Campaign Kickstarter  sets up candidates to win their races from day one.


At the end of the launch period, we also:

  • Offer ongoing strategic communications guidance and candidate media training;

  • Tap into our network to help campaigns find a permanent communications staffer;

  • Lead debate prep and editorial board meeting prep later in the cycle; and

  • Provide crisis communications services

If you’re working with a future candidate, or if you're a soon-to-be-candidate yourself, we would love to talk with you. 

Case Studies

Raquel Terán, Arizona's 3rd Congressional District
We worked with Raquel Terán before, during and immediately after she launched her campaign for Arizona's 3rd congressional district. We prepared her to tell her inspiring story as a proven coalition builder who led the effort to recall Joe Arpaio before leading Arizona Democrats to historic wins in 2022 as state party chair. We generated coverage locally, placed a national exclusive on her launch, and landed a profile piece on her candidacy in Vox -- which continues to help her campaign raise money and separate her from the field. 

Terán Enters the Primary Contest as the Frontrunner.jpg

Sarah McBride, Delaware's At-Large Congressional Seat

For Sarah McBride's historic campaign launch, we maximized the chance to tell her story as the potential first openly trans member of Congress.  From The New York Times to MSNBC--and outlets all across Delaware--State Sen. McBride was everywhere during the initial weeks of her campaign. This includes the days leading up to the critical quarterly fundraising deadline, and the wave of press coverage reaching Democratic voters helped her raise hundreds of thousands of dollars--a staggering sum for a congressional seat in a small state over such a short period. 

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