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We Help You Conquer the Challenge Ahead

Who We Are
Who We Are

Moyer Strategies, a public affairs firm based in Washington, DC, and engaged in states across the country, helps clients achieve their most important goals through effective communications strategies and tactics at both the federal and state levels. We've spent the last 15+ years working to shape policy from every angle: the US Senate Majority Leader's office, multiple presidential campaigns, and a top-tier trade association. Our work today is largely, but not exclusively, focused on public health, clean energy and clean technology, climate change and workers' rights. 


We're effective because we are tenacious in finding and making the most of every opportunity to advance our clients' issues. We raise the profiles of organizations and leaders to position them for more wins, more funding and more impact.


In our work with clients, we drive a narrative through effective, consistent and timely messaging that breaks through the noise to shape public opinion, influence policymakers and build the profiles of leaders, organizations, and issues. We are highly effective — we deliver results.

Who We Are


Strategic Communications Advising & Planning. We build trust and provide counsel to organizations and leaders on communications strategies that will advance their priorities. Our instincts have been honed by working in high-pressured environments. We help clients see around corners and plan for what's coming. 


Exceptional Writing & Message Development. We prioritize clear, concise and compelling writing. We work with clients to craft messaging that will resonate, then we deploy these messages in the communications tools of the trade: speeches, newsletters, op-eds, press releases and social media posts.

Earned Media Strategy & Narrative Building.

We help clients think through — and gain confidence in — engaging with the media. We help build a strategy for reaching audiences who need to hear the message. We train spokespeople to effectively deliver. We relentlessly drive our client's messaging to build a narrative that sticks. We've generated consistent coverage in virtually every national news outlet and in state and regional outlets across the country. 

Programs & Packages

  • Newsletters: Communicating clearly and in a timely manner with an organization's or coalition's array of stakeholders is critical. We offer a newsletter package to help you reach every audience.

  • Media Training: Executives speaking to the press must be well prepared. Through our media training program, we'll make sure they're ready, whether it's a phone interview with the newspaper of record, national TV appearance or anything else.

  • Campaign Launches: From political candidates announcing they're jumping into a race to ballot initiatives or grassroots campaign launches, we have deep experience in ensuring an effective, high-impact rollout. Learn more about our Campaign Kickstarter program here.

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  • Media Events: Whether it's an in-person press conference, a Zoom media call or big rally, a lot goes into making these events a success in communicating your message. Let us do the hard work for you.

Who We Are
Our Team

Our Team

Chris Moyer, Founder & President

Chris has spent the past 15 years working to shape federal and state policies through strategic communications. He's advised and served as a spokesperson for well-known public officials and candidates, CEOs and non-profit leaders. He worked as a communications aide on former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s improbable 2010 re-election campaign and in his Capitol Hill office, focusing on messaging and driving media coverage for once-in-a-generation bills like health care, immigration, and Wall Street reform. He led communications for Senator Cory Booker's presidential campaign in New Hampshire. At the American Gaming Association, he led communications for a major public affairs campaign that resulted in a landmark U.S. Supreme Court victory. He started Moyer Strategies in 2020. Chris, a New Hampshire native, is a graduate of Boston University's College of Communication. He lives in Hyattsville, Maryland, with his wife, Mari, and their dog, Wolfie.

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Dan Crawford, Senior Vice President

Dan has more than 15 years of experience in politics, issue advocacy, and policy communications. He was previously a vice president in the public affairs practice at SKDK, where he worked with corporate and non-profit clients to advance their communications goals. Prior to SKDK, Dan led communications for advocacy campaigns on issues ranging from tax fairness to democracy reform at the Hub Project. Before that, he spent several years in communications at the Economic Policy Institute, where he helped promote the work of economists and researchers across digital and traditional media. He is a veteran of President Obama's 2008 and 2012 campaigns and served in the Obama administration, at the Small Business Administration. Dan is a graduate of Cornell University and lives in Washington, DC with his wife and two children. 

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Morgan Caplan, Senior Communications Manager

Morgan is a seasoned communications professional with over five years of experience in communications and advocacy. Prior to joining Moyer Strategies, Morgan developed communications strategy at New Paradigm Agency for diverse clients across various industries, where she gained invaluable expertise in crafting compelling narratives and executing strategic campaigns. As a press secretary with the Sierra Club, Morgan focused on the intersection of communications and environmental advocacy, leveraging her expertise to raise awareness, mobilize supporters, and drive positive change in ending fossil fuel buildout and extraction. Morgan, a Maryland native, is a graduate of the University of Maryland’s Philip Merrill College of Journalism. Morgan now resides in New York City where she can be found exploring the city, trying out new restaurants, and catching the latest Broadway shows. 

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Who We Are
Case Studies

Case Studies

Fighting Deep-Pocketed Opposition to Protect Worker Health 

We've been working shoulder to shoulder with casino workers and public health organizations in Atlantic City for the last three years in the fight to close the casino smoking loophole in New Jersey law. Casino workers are the only group in the state not protected from dangerous secondhand smoke at their jobs. We've trained grassroots leaders to speak effectively with media and legislators and driven news coverage, including in major national outlets like CNBC and The New York Times, The attention on Atlantic City has spurred casino workers in several other states to speak out, too, and the worker-led movement continues to grow. 

Advocating for a National Green Bank to Address Climate Change 

We worked with an advocacy organization to help achieve a decade-long goal of creating a national green bank that would expedite the transition from fossil fuels and prevent the worst effects of climate change. The policy was included in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Upon passage, we drove several waves of media coverage with the CEO about the benefits of a national green bank, how it will work, and why acting quickly to establish it is imperative. Our client is positioned to receive significant federal funding to finally make this green bank a reality. 

Pushing Back on Extreme Abortion Ban

After Governor Chris Sununu signed into law the most extreme abortion ban in modern New Hampshire history, we worked with our client to educate Granite Staters about the ban. This deeply unpopular law led to Governor Sununu's job approval sinking to the lowest of his tenure, and the law was later changed, in part. We partnered with top TV and digital ad makers on this ad.

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